Friday, November 29, 2019

Triadic Praise My Psalm146

Hallelujah, oh, my soul.
As long as I live—hallelujah.

Praise you, God. 
Hey, self, praise God!
I promise, friends, to always praise my God.

How conscious am I to be
of the triadic nature of me--
composed of upward, inward and outward relation?

Is worship an utter self-forgetfulness, God?
Am I too concerned with conscience?
What do you think, reader?

My friends think I over-think.
It’s simple: You can’t depend on people who die—
those that change their mind every generation.

Just focus on God.
Are you paying attention?
Do what the Psalmist tells you:

Depend on the God of the ancestors--
the faithful origin of everything.

He’s supportive of the oppressed
the hungry, blind, humiliated prisoners--
He loves the righteous

He supervises
the alien, the fatherless, the widow,
Frustrating the wrongdoers

Praise be to you, oh God,
Get lost in wonder and praise Oh my soul
trust forever my friends

The One who glorifies God
in himself
and thus, brings many sons to glory.
This God reigns in Zion through all generations.